How Can I Reach More Young Readers?

by | Dec 11, 2017

Hey readers,
I need your help. As many of you I know I write books that I write to spend disability awareness and promote a message of self-acceptance to young kids. I am very passionate about it, but I have come to the realization that no matter how passionate I am, my books will never make a true impact unless I am able to get them in front of young kids and young adults and tell my story. With that said, I’m asking you, my readers, if you have any suggestions as to groups of kids that I may be able to talk to about my books. Perhaps you have connections with your local schools or maybe you know the leader of a boy or girl scout troop. Over the last couple years I’ve given very successful presentations at schools and summer camps in or near Urbana Illinois where I’m live. I really enjoy doing so and wish I could give presentations more often. Again, I’m open to any suggestions you as my readers may have as to groups that I can speak to about my books and the mission behind writing them. I’m willing to travel within reason and I promise to work out a discounted rate and send books out to anywhere I cannot travel to. Please comment on this post or on my authors page on Facebook or Twitter with any suggestions that you may have. I appreciate your help more than you know and can’t wait to hear your ideas. Until next time, happy reading and always remember to love yourself just the way you are!