Allison M. Boot

Changing the World, One Book at a Time…

Launch Party Ideas for The Magic Within???

by | Jan 3, 2018

 As you may or may not know, although I have not decided on an exact date yet, I’m set to publish The Magic Within in March of 2018. With that said, I’d like to host some sort of a launch party when it is published. These days most authors host launch parties via social media since social media sites get so much traffic. I’m coming to you as my readers to see if you have any ideas as to what could set my launch party for The Magic Within apart? Is there one social media site you think I should use over the others? If so, which site do you think would be best and why? Would you be more apt to “attend” a launch party on social media if I included some type of giveaway or contest involving the book? Would you participate in a Q&A type of thing at the launch party? Do you have any other suggestions for a social media type launch party? Do you think I should do a launch party outside of social media? If so what type of ideas do you have for that? Would you be willing to attend a book signing? If so how far would you travel? Do you think I should do a combination of a social media and real life launch party? Comment on the discussion associated with this blog post or the social media post associated with it and let me know your thoughts. Please and thank you. Happy reading and, as always, until next time don’t forget to love yourself just the way you are :).